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  1. Please select one or more jobs you wish to apply for by clicking the check box next to the job(s), then click "Apply for selected jobs" button.
  2. If a job does not accept online applications, there is no check box next to the job. Follow the instructions in the job posting to apply.
  3. To view the details of a job click on the Job Title.
In order to view available jobs, if any disclaimers are presented below, you must first click the “I Agree” button in order for those jobs to be presented for your consideration.

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Disclaimer: On-Campus Non-FWS
These non-work study jobs are all on-campus jobs working for various departments. They are limited in number and are available to students who are enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits of classes. Respond directly to the listed supervisor in the manner s/he has requested. These jobs go quickly and we are not responsible for availability by the time you apply. All non-work study jobs have a minimum base pay of $11.00 per hour, but may be paid at an agreed upon higher wage.

On-Campus Non-FWS Jobs